Pictured: Grade No. 73 Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of America Movement, #61818 The Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company introduced the Badollet Model movements to the American market in 1887. This model, representing.
Pictured: Grade No. 71 Movement Cut, 1893 Marshall Field & Co. Catalog The business operation of the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company in Switzerland was more complex than most American watch.

Pictured: Palladium Alloy Non-Magnetic Balance from a Badollet Non-Magnetic Watch Company Grade 73 Movement The business operation of the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company in Switzerland was more complex than most.
Pictured: Illustrations Exhibiting the Factory of J.J. Badollet in Geneva, Switzerland. The business operation of the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company in Switzerland was more complex than most American watch factories..

Pictured: Non-Magnetic Watch Company Grade No. 100 Extra, Especially Adjusted by Alexis Favre, 1888 Catalog Page Reproduced in the June 1989 Issue of the NAWCC Bulletin, “Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of.
Pictured: Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company Advertisement, The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, December 1887 [NAWCC Library] The Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company published an early grade list in the December 1887.