
Pictured: An Anti-Magnetic Shield on an Elgin 18-Size Watch, c.1890s. In the March 1888 edition of the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Professor Edwin J. Houston published a comprehensive article.
Pictured: Dynamo Room of the Brush Electric Light Station in Philadelphia, The Electrical World, February 12, 1887. In the March 1888 edition of the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Professor.

Pictured: Excerpt from “Paillard’s Non-Magnetic Compensating Balance and Hair-Spring for Watches” by Prof. Edwin J. Houston, Journal of the Franklin Institute, March 1888 In early 1888, the newly reorganized Non-Magnetic.
Pictured: Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company Advertisement, Locomotive Engineers’ Journal, August 1887 As soon as the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company was able to introduce their new watches to the American market,.

Pictured: Thomas Edison’s Endorsement of the Non-Magnetic Watch Co., Locomotive Engineers’ Monthly Journal, February 1888. The American Waltham Watch Company introduced a non-magnetic watch to compete with the Non-Magnetic Watch.
Pictured: “The Wonder of the Age - Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch.” The Janesville Daily Gazette, November 1, 1887. The early evolution of the Non-Magnetic Watch Company became more chaotic as Alfred.