Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 58: Burlington Grade 107 and Grade 108

With the introduction of its 21-Jewel line in October 1916, the Burlington Watch Company retired the 16-Size Grade 106 “Burlington Special” and replaced it with the Grade 107 (open face) and Grade 108 (hunting). The name “Burlington Special” was updated to a simplified “Burlington” on the watch dials and in advertisements. Movements continued to be marked “Burlington Watch Co. Chicago” on the pillar plate under the balance wheel.
With the exception of the increased jewel count, the open face Grade 107 and hunting Grade 108 retained nearly all the traits of the previous generation, including double roller, steel escape wheel, and double-sunk dial. Movements were factory-adjusted to temperature, isochronism, and three positions.
Interestingly, the features noted in promotional materials draw attention to the “40 Hour Hand Hammered Imported Main Spring.” The hour rating was not included in advertisements with previous generations even though the watches were fitted with the same mainspring.