Webb C. Ball

Pictured: Elgin National Watch Co. “Sidewinder” Watch, Grade H.H. Taylor, c.1875. In addition to the more unusual dials that Webb C. Ball classified as “Freakish” Railroad Dials in his 1920.
Pictured: Replica Ball RR Ferguson Dial, c.1980s. Because the patented Ferguson Dials are a favorite amongst collectors, many reproductions and replicas have been created to offer an expensive replacement option,.

Pictured: Hamilton 8112 Ferguson Dial, Made for Hamilton Watches, c.1915. Louis Buck Ferguson iterated through several early variants of his unique railroad dial before settling on the design widely recognized.
Pictured: Early Ferguson Dial for Illinois Watches with 1908 Patent Marking, c.1910. (This image has been edited to correct a marking error in order to prevent distraction from the post)..

Even though the Montgomery Safety Dial was not directly targeted by Webb C. Ball’s paper presented at the 1920 National Safety Council meeting, it was understood the dial was classified.
Shortly after Henry S. Montgomery introduced the new generation of his “Safety Dial” design in April 1920, Webb C. Ball launched an attack rejecting any dial with “fantastic figures or.