Dial Design
Various Dial Styles Used by the New York Watch Company The New York Watch Company cycled through various dial designs with unique traits from 1867 to 1877, when the Hampden.
Pictured: Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of America Enamel Dial The business operation of the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company in Switzerland was more complex than most American watch factories. Production spanned several.
Pictured: Landis Watch Company Advertisement, Popular Mechanics, December 1909. Each of the watches sold under the “Landis Watch Co.” private label brand was furnished with an enamel dial marked “Landis”.
Pictured: “Burlington Special” Whimsical Dial Variants Compared [Variant 2 Image Courtesy of Pocket Watch Database Contributor “ngleasonmke”] Two distinct variants of the standard whimsical “Burlington Special” dial were furnished on.

Pictured: Burlington Special “Choice of Dials” Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. During the early evolution of the “Burlington Special” watch, the Burlington Watch Company offered customers a small selection of.
Pictured: Dial Options for the Santa Fe Special Watch, c.1920 Santa Fe Special Catalog The Santa Fe Watch Company offered a variety of dials on their “Santa Fe Special” watches..