Earlier this week, I purchased a Seth Thomas pocket watch without seeing images of the movement, sometimes called "buying the dial." While the watch is in transit, I thought it.
Various Dial Styles Used by the New York Watch Company The New York Watch Company cycled through various dial designs with unique traits from 1867 to 1877, when the Hampden.
Lancaster Pa Dial From Adams & Perry Lancaster Watch #1369 The watches produced by the Adams & Perry factory were issued with dials secured to the movement via a friction-fit.
c.1882 Elgin National Watch Co. Interchangeable Grade 90 with Black Inverse Dial #941219: Black Dial c.1882 Elgin National Watch Co. Interchangeable Grade 90 with Black Inverse Dial #941219: Movement The.

Pictured: Landis Watch Co. Dial (Grade 79) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User edi113] Each of the watches sold under the “Landis Watch Co.” private label brand was furnished with an.
Pictured: Landis Watch Company Advertisement, Popular Mechanics, December 1909. Each of the watches sold under the “Landis Watch Co.” private label brand was furnished with an enamel dial marked “Landis”.