Home / Advertising History / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 36: Burlington Watch Sales Letter

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 36: Burlington Watch Sales Letter

Burlington Watch Sales Letter, Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Watch Company.
Pictured: Burlington Watch Sales Letter, Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Watch Company.

Each catalog that the Burlington Watch Company sent to a potential customer was accompanied by a sales letter summarizing the direct offer with a full risk-reversal guarantee.

“Dear Friend:

We are pleased to note that you are interested in the Burlington Watch Company’s remarkable campaign in the watch trade; and in response to your inquiry we send you our catalogue herewith.

This catalogue quotes only on the Burlington Special Watches. We do not list the entire Burlington line, for we have already announced to the trade that only the Burlington Special would be sold for the preset on this grand direct rock-bottom offer.

As you can see from the catalogue, we do exactly as promised in our advertisement. We actually DO offer you a Burlington Special Watch, the finest, best watch in the famous Burlington line, at the very rock-bottom price, the same price the wholesaler must pay. And we even grant payments of $2.50 a month while allowing the rock-bottom price.

Read our challenge on pages 1 and 16 of this booklet. You can see therefrom that we MEAN BUSINESS. We are making a campaign in the Watch business such as no watch company has ever dared to attempt. And you are offered the benefit of this campaign in a rock-bottom, direct offer on a superbly fine timepiece.

Please keep in mind that we offer to send you a watch prepaid without a cent in advance. We want to convince you of the superiority of the Burlington. You can see it at the express office before paying one cent; if then, satisfactory, leave the first payment with the express agent. If not satisfactory, order the watch returned at our expense, and you are not one cent out.

Thanking you for your inquiry,

Yours truly,
Burlington Watch Co.”


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