Home / Production / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Non-Magnetic Watch Company: Part 44: The Badollet Model Grades

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Non-Magnetic Watch Company: Part 44: The Badollet Model Grades

Grade No. 73 Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of America Movement, #61818
Pictured: Grade No. 73 Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of America Movement, #61818

The Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company introduced the Badollet Model movements to the American market in 1887. This model, representing the finer quality of standard production, was manufactured at the factory of J.J. Badollet in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Early movements were marked “Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Co. Ld.” until the company was reorganized under the “Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of America” name in 1888. This model was eventually referred to as the “Model 1” in material catalogs.

The Badollet Model was offered in four primary grades and one premium grade, adjusted by one of the most celebrated master adjusters in Switzerland, Alexis Favre.

Badollet Model Grades:

No. 71 – Best Quality Nickel Movement; 20 finest quality Ruby Jewels in gold settings; Jeweled Centre; Exposed Pallets; Double Roller and Full Cap Jeweled Escapement; Accurately Adjusted to Temperature, Isochronism and six positions; Patent Regulator; Double Sunk Dial; finely finished throughout.

No. 72 – Fine Nickel Movement; 18 fine Ruby Jewels in gold settings; Centre Jeweled; Exposed Pallets; Double Roller Escapement; Escape Wheel Cap Jeweled; Adjusted to Temperature, Isochronism and four positions; Patent Regulator. 

No. 73 – Nickel Movement; 16 Ruby Jewels in settings; Exposed Pallets; Double Roller Escapement; Adjusted to Temperature, Isochronism and two positions; Patent Regulator.

No. 74 – Nickel Movement; 15 Ruby Jewels; Exposed Pallets; Double Roller Escapement; Adjusted to Temperature and Isochronism; Patent Regulator. 

No. 100 Extra – This Movement is the same in detail of description as “No. 71”. It is finely finished throughout, beautifully damaskeened and is especially adjusted by Alexis Favre, the most celebrated adjuster in Geneva, for the requirements of Class “A” Geneva Observatory. Each movement is accompanied by a Certificate of Rate.

Current estimates indicate that the Badollet Model production spans approximately 15,500 serial numbers, from 50,000 to 65,500. However, it is unlikely that every number within the serial block represents a manufactured movement. As a result, this estimated production figure should be considered an upper bound of actual production. Surviving examples are currently being cataloged to provide a better understanding of production.


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