Home / Production / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company: Part 14: Landis Watch Company Estimated Production

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company: Part 14: Landis Watch Company Estimated Production

Landis Watch Co. “King Landis” (Grade 273) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User theorris]
Pictured: Landis Watch Co. “King Landis” (Grade 273) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User theorris]

Even though the Landis Watch Company was incorporated in August 1909, production of the “Landis Watch Co.” movements commenced at the Illinois Watch Company factory around 1905, presumably sold by Houston E. Landis before his involvement with Arthur Spiegel

According to estimated production dates for known runs, production was terminated around 1910, approximately two years before the company was officially dissolved.

The following metrics represent runs identified as “Landis Watch Co.” production. Based on the limited run quantities, these runs are assumed to be entirely comprised of Landis private label watches. Estimated production totals may change as additional runs are identified in the future. It is reasonable to assume that there are runs that have not yet been identified, and the figures below are not intended to be comprehensive but rather provide context for relative production.

12-Size, 17 Jewels
(Grade 273)
Estimated Total Production: ~500

16-Size, 17 Jewels
(Grade 175)
Estimated Total Production: ~900

18-Size, 17 Jewels
(Grade 79)
Estimated Total Production: ~300

16-Size, 15 Jewels
(Grade 172)
Estimated Total Production: Unknown

18-Size, 15 Jewels
(Grade 59/69)
Estimated Total Production: ~1,300

16-Size, 15 Jewels
(Grade 173)
Estimated Total Production: ~100

King Landis
12-Size, 15/17 Jewels
(Multiple Grades)
Estimated Total Production: ~385

Landis Watch Co. (No Other Name)
16-Size, 17 Jewels
(Grade 174)
Estimated Total Production: ~400

Other 12-Size Movements (Possibly “King Landis”)
12-Size, Mixed Jewel Counts
(Grades 219/255)
Estimated Total Production: ~620

Landis Watch Co. Estimated Total Production: ~4,505

Current List of Identified Landis Watch Company Runs (Updated Continuously)

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