Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Santa Fe Special” Part 10

In 1915, the Santa Fe Watch Company introduced a new “booster” program to increase sales of their “Santa Fe Special” watch line.
Each “booster” was promised $2.50 for every watch sold, claiming, “several live wire patrons of this store are making from $10 to $20 a week, just during their spare moments and aside from their regular work, selling Santa Fe Specials.”
The company advertised that only 25 “boosters” would be selected to sell the Santa Fe Special line, which had been expanded to six options. The 16-Size model was available in both 17-Jewel and 21-Jewel options, hunting or open face. A ladies’ wristwatch had also been introduced to the market, available as a 17-Jewel movement set in a hunting or open face configuration.
The “booster” program implemented by the Santa Fe Watch Company was similar to a modern affiliate program with lofty promises of easy money.