Home / Dials / Metal Illinois Ferguson Reproduction Dial from S. LaRose Inc.

Metal Illinois Ferguson Reproduction Dial from S. LaRose Inc.

LaRose Reproduction Illinois Ferguson Dial, c.1970s.
Pictured: LaRose Reproduction Illinois Ferguson Dial, c.1970s.

Another popular source for post-era reproduction dials was S. LaRose Inc. This watch and clock supply company began in 1936 and operated for many decades from their headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina. 

Various reproduction and replica dials were furnished to the watch collector and restoration market, including this flat metal dial representing the patented Ferguson Dial design. It should be noted that Louis Buck Ferguson’s original patent would have expired by the time this dial was manufactured.

These dials can be easily identified by the lack of the sunk seconds bit, resulting in a completely flat surface. Additionally, an inspection of the reverse will reveal a brass metal substrate. In contrast, the original Swiss Ferguson Dials will feature an enameled back with the various patent dates marked accordingly.

Reverse of LaRose Reproduction Illinois Ferguson Dial Showing Brass Substrate c.1970s.
Reverse of LaRose Reproduction Illinois Ferguson Dial Showing Brass Substrate c.1970s.


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