
"Paillard Non-Magnetic Watch Co - Chicago, U.S.A.” Marking on Illinois Watch Movement The Non-Magnetic Watch Company sold watches produced by a variety of watch manufacturers in the United States. Each.
Pictured: Measurement on a Standard Regulator Screw from 16-Size Illinois Model 4 (5.25mm) The patent application submitted by Arthur Bonnet in March 1910 for his automatic temperature compensating screw indicates.
Pictured: Landis Watch Co. Automatic Regulator Advertisement, The Circle, March 1910. Several Months before the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company even secured the patent for the new temperature compensating regulator.
Pictured: “Temperature Compensating Mechanism” Patent #968235 In 1910, the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company secured a patent for an improvement to the regulator used on its watches, designed to provide.
Pictured: Patent Celluloid Watch Dial from the Keystone Watch Company with excerpt from the March 1888 issue of The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. In February 1888, while Abraham Bitner.
Pictured: Flat Metal Reverse of Celluloid Watch Dial from the Keystone Watch Company One of the primary claims of distinction in Abraham Bitner’s 1881 patent application for his paper dial.