
Pictured: Paillard’s Palladium Balance and Hairspring Charles-Auguste Paillard was granted a patent in the United States for his palladium alloy compensation balance on March 8, 1887. The remaining patents issued.
Pictured: C.A. Paillard’s Palladium Compensation Balance U.S. Patent #359093. In addition to seeking patents in Europe, Charles-Auguste Paillard submitted patent applications in the United States to protect the use of.

Pictured: C.A. Paillard’s Palladium Hairspring English Patent #6367. In the late 1870s, after a decade of experimentation, Charles-Auguste Paillard successfully developed a palladium alloy that was immune to corrosion, featured.
"Paillard Non-Magnetic Watch Co - Chicago, U.S.A.” Marking on Illinois Watch Movement The Non-Magnetic Watch Company sold watches produced by a variety of watch manufacturers in the United States. Each.

Pictured: Landis Watch Co. Movement (Grade 174) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User edi113] In 1910, the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Co. introduced the patented “Landis Automatic Regulator” on its “Landis.
Pictured: Landis Watch Co. Automatic Regulator Advertisement, The Circle, March 1910. Several Months before the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company even secured the patent for the new temperature compensating regulator.