The Ladd Stiffened Gold Watch Case Trade Card, c.1881 George W. Ladd secured a patent in 1867 for his novel method of manufacturing cases. In this process, the center frame.
Cover of The Perfected American Watch by the American Waltham Watch Company (1904 Edition) The 1904 edition of The Perfected American Watch was originally distributed by the American Waltham Watch Company to.
Original Photograph of the Waltham Watch Factory on the Charles River, c.1890 This early photograph features the Waltham factory on the banks of the Charles River in Waltham, Massachusetts. When.
c.1890 Illinois Watch Company Trade Card, Front This uncommon trade card features a representation of a letter to the Illinois Watch Company from Japan stating, "We consider the Illinois Watch.
In this video, I sort through a small set of ephemera items I recently purchased at an auction by Jones & Horan. Items include a paperweight promoting the Crescent Watch.
c.1880 Lancaster Watch Co. "Grim Reaper" Trade Card This c.1880 Lancaster Watch Co. trade card was graciously digitized by an anonymous member of our community. The illustration depicts the grim.