Charles Willis Ward
Pictured: Waltham Non-Magnetic Watch Advertisement, The Locomotive Engineers’ Journal, February 1888. Just as the Non-Magnetic Watch Company launched their innovative non-magnetic watches in the United States, the American Waltham Watch.
Pictured: “The Wonder of the Age - Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch.” The Janesville Daily Gazette, November 1, 1887. The early evolution of the Non-Magnetic Watch Company became more chaotic as Alfred.

Pictured: U.S. Patent #384,731 Charles-Auguste Paillard received six patents in the United States for his innovative palladium alloys used in watchmaking. Paillard’s alloys were immune to corrosion, did not dilate.
Pictured: Paillard’s Palladium Balance and Hairspring Charles-Auguste Paillard originally developed his palladium alloys to provide a more suitable material for the construction of fine marine chronometers. As a result of.