Pictured: Patent Celluloid Watch Dial from the Keystone Watch Company with excerpt from the March 1888 issue of The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. In February 1888, while Abraham Bitner was the superintendent of the Keystone Standard Watch Company in Lancaster, he journeyed to Chicago...
Pictured: Flat Metal Reverse of Celluloid Watch Dial from the Keystone Watch Company One of the primary claims of distinction in Abraham Bitner’s 1881 patent application for his paper dial.
Pictured: Celluloid Keystone Locomotive Watch Dial from the Keystone Watch Company Another variation of the celluloid dials produced by the Keystone Watch Company features the front of a locomotive enclosed.
Pictured: Celluloid “French Ivory” Watch Dials from the Keystone Watch Company In seeking an inexpensive alternative to standard enamel dials, the Keystone Watch Company introduced a watch dial manufactured from.