Home / Digital Archive / New Addition to the Digital Archive: 1912 “Blue Book” Catalog from the Norris, Alister & Co.

New Addition to the Digital Archive: 1912 “Blue Book” Catalog from the Norris, Alister & Co.

Title Page of the 1912 "Blue Book" Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.
Title Page of the 1912 “Blue Book” Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.

The 1912 Norris, Alister & Co. “Blue Book” Catalog features an excellent snapshot of the American watch market in the second decade of the 19th century.

Waltham 18-Size Movements, 1912 "Blue Book" Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.
Waltham 18-Size Movements, 1912 “Blue Book” Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.

Illustrated movements by Waltham, Elgin, Howard, New York Standard, and Manistee are presented with full grade descriptions. The Elgin and Howard catalogs are factory-supplied inserts detailing the comprehensive product lines offered at the time.

Elgin 1912 Factory Catalog, 1912 "Blue Book" Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.
Elgin 1912 Factory Catalog, 1912 “Blue Book” Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.

Additionally, a selection of cases offered by the Keystone, Crescent, and Crown are illustrated in factory-supplied inserts as well.

Howard Watch Co. 1911 Factory Catalog, 1912 "Blue Book" Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.
Howard 1911 Factory Catalog, 1912 “Blue Book” Catalog Published by Norris, Alister & Co.

This catalog provides a wonderful insight into the movements and cases available to retail jewelry stores in 1912.

The sections of the catalog detailing watch movements and cases have been digitized and are now ready for online viewing here:


Thank you to all the supporting members that make projects like this possible!


  1. Nathan, thank you for what you are contributing to our learning and enjoyment of horology. I have unfortunately been frustrated by the user interface for digitized resources on https://pocketwatchdatabase.com. The mobile interface is hopelessly cluttered by ads, making it impossible to thoughtfully read anything (I use an Apple phone). I would like to be able to download an entire document to read ad-free at my leisure. Is this possible? Again, thank you!

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