Home / Advertising History / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 39: Inserts From the c.1911 Burlington Catalog (Word to Dealers)

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 39: Inserts From the c.1911 Burlington Catalog (Word to Dealers)

“A Word to The Dealers.” Pamphlet Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Watch Company Catalog.
Pictured: “A Word to The Dealers.” Pamphlet Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Watch Company Catalog.

The Burlington Watch Company enclosed a variety of inserts when catalogs were sent to prospective customers. These inserts included additional sales pamphlets and order forms.

A brief study of these inserts reveals the extent to which the company worked to make the sale.

Today’s post features a folded insert enclosed in the c.1911 Burlington Watch Company catalog, titled “A Word to The Dealers.”

While appearing to be a letter directed to dealers, the insert is strategically positioned to deter a potential customer from purchasing a watch from a dealer and, instead, buy a Burlington watch directly.

The “open letter” is concluded with persuasive statements from the Burlington Watch Company:

“The Burlington Special, if ordered through dealers, would naturally be sold so as to afford a profit to the retailer. And you will notice in our booklet that we do not guarantee the present ROCK-BOTTOM price direct to the consumer permanently.

We will always give the public the benefit of our anti-trust price: – but as regards the same price made to the jewelry trade, let us say: –

Wait, Mr. Jeweler, till we are through with this great introductory, direct offer on the “Burlington Special” – wait until we have placed just a few thousand of these superb Watches among consumers in every town at the present price – then we will prove to you, Mr. Retailer, that our offer is ultimately of benefit to every free and independent retail jeweler in the trade.”

This proposition immediately elicits a sense of urgency in the potential customer, prompting them to purchase a watch directly from the Burlington Watch Company before the company begins selling through dealers.

Pictured: “A Word to The Dealers.” Pamphlet Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Watch Company Catalog.

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