Hamilton Watch Company Railroad Dials No. 257 and No. 576

The No. 257 (18-Size) and No. 576 (16-Size) dials were popular options on railroad watches manufactured by the Hamilton Watch Company starting around 1916.
Generally referred to in material catalogs as the “Blind Mans” dial, the No. 257 is typically found on the 18-Size Grade 940, while the No. 576 generally appears on the 16-Size Grade 992. Both dials feature the same design with individual part numbers to distinguish the dial size.
While other grades are also found with this style, the 940 and the 992 were specifically advertised with this dial for railroad service. Since demand for the larger 18-Size watch was declining during this time, the No. 576 dial is much easier to find than the larger No. 257 dial.
The No. 576 remained popular throughout the 1920s and was one of the premier dials furnished on Hamilton’s railroad watches.