Ruby Jewels in Raised Gold Settings from Elgin No. 214 Veritas
Excerpt from Elgin’s 1901 “The Watch Word is Elgin: Timemakers and Timekeepers” promotional booklet, describing the jewels in the new “Veritas” model:
“Watch jeweling is often a beclouded subject, mystifying to the purchaser, who is frequently misled by glittering descriptions of many jewels useful for show only. In the “Veritas” model – as in all other Elgin movements – not a jewel is used that does not contribute to time-keepeing value. The jeweling of the barrel arbor in the “Veritas” model is a positive advance in watchmaking. It reduces friction and wear at a vital point.”The Watch Word is Elgin: Timemakers and Timekeepers, c.1901

The full promotional booklet introducing the Model 8 grades can be viewed in its entirety online: