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Illinois Watch Company

Pictured: Burlington Special Temperature Adjustments, Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. The second-generation 16-Size “Burlington Special” (Grade 185) was described in catalogs and advertisements as “Adjusted to Temperature.” This claim contrasts the “Regulated to Temperature” terminology utilized for the unadjusted variant of the first-generation Grade 174...
Pictured: Burlington Watch Company Sangamo Grade Movement Manufactured by the Illinois Watch Company, c.1907. Estimated Total Production: 100. Image Courtesy of AtlamWatches on Etsy, where this watch is currently for sale in a beautiful glass-back display case. The standard 16-Size “Burlington Special” watches initially introduced...
Pictured: Watch Diagram Enlarged, “Fighting the Trust” Burlington Special Watch Advertisement, Popular Mechanics, November 1909 As soon as the “Burlington Special” hit the market in 1908, the watch quickly became an enormous success.  In August 1909, the Burlington Watch Company increased its capital stock from...
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