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Illinois Watch Company

Pictured: Burlington Special Fancy Glass Enamel Dial, c.1916 [Image Credit: Reddit User “IWasRightOnce”] While early “Burlington Special” watches were furnished with two standard dial options, surviving examples provide evidence that the Burlington Watch Company also sold watches with alternative dials. Since these dials were not...
Pictured: Burlington Special “Choice of Dials” Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. During the early evolution of the “Burlington Special” watch, the Burlington Watch Company offered customers a small selection of dial options. When the “Burlington Special” was first introduced to the market, the watches were...
Pictured: Burlington Special “Tungsten Steel” Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1908 [Courtesy of Martin Van Coevering] and Burlington Special “Nickel Steel” Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. The earliest advertisements for the 16-Size Grade 174 “Burlington Special” indicate that “Tungsten Steel” was used to manufacture the pinions...
Pictured: Burlington Special Positional Adjustments, Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. The second-generation 16-Size “Burlington Special” (Grade 185) was described in catalogs and advertisements as “Adjusted to Positions.” From the summary presented in the c.1911 Burlington Watch Company catalog, we can infer that the Grade 185...
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