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2022 Update on Daily Posts


One of my goals for 2021 was to write an article each day exploring deeper topics of American horology. I examined stories that intrigued me, identified key figures that are often overlooked, and surprisingly fell into deep studies I thought I would only briefly cover for a few days. Hopefully, I was able to relay these stories effectively to you and bring a new appreciation for the products and histories of the mostly-forgotten American watch companies. I learned a lot and hope you did as well.

I achieved my goal of posting an article every day in 2021. As we begin 2022, I will be taking a hiatus on these daily posts to give myself a needed break. Rest and restore.

We are currently in the middle of a fascinating study on the Non-Magnetic Watch Company, and this will be picked up once again in the near future.

Thanks for all the support and discussion in 2021. I consider myself fortunate to have a great community of people that share this odd interest in mechanical artifacts of time.


  1. An article every day! I’m amazed, but glad that you did. I love the short reads and I have learned so much from your pieces.
    Just one question: Is this your full-time job, or are you doing this research/writing on top of making a living some other way, too? [Okay, that’s a private matter….]

  2. Hey Nathan,

    I wasn’t quite sure where to suggest additions to the database so I figured I’d try the comment section. I recently bought a Molnija pocket watch from Russia and didn’t find much info available through the database even though people have added these watches to their collections. I found a pretty detailed article about Molnija watches and wanted to share it with hopes that the database can be updated. Sorry if this isn’t the right place to do this. This might be an interesting subject for one of your articles.


    Nathan Morton

    • Thanks, Nathan. I appreciate the link. My current focus is adding more content and data for American watch companies. However, I will bookmark this in case I start in on international companies in the future. Always interested in suggestions for the database. Thanks again!

  3. Yes I am also interested in international watches and was contemplating adding a Molnija or other Russian pocket watch to my collection. Of course Gruen and other Swiss watches interest me and I would like to learn more about those.

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