Home / Factories / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Non-Magnetic Watch Company: Part 41: The Swiss Operation – The Crausaz Factory

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Non-Magnetic Watch Company: Part 41: The Swiss Operation – The Crausaz Factory

Palladium Alloy Non-Magnetic Balance from a Badollet Non-Magnetic Watch Company Grade 73 Movement
Pictured: Palladium Alloy Non-Magnetic Balance from a Badollet Non-Magnetic Watch Company Grade 73 Movement

The business operation of the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company in Switzerland was more complex than most American watch factories. Production spanned several factories, with many different companies working together to manufacture the non-magnetic watches for the American market.

In January 1888, James Haswell visited the offices and factories managed by the company and published a summary in the March 1888 issue of The Horological Journal

While movements for the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company were manufactured at the factories of Bornand, Badollet, and Aeby, the balances were exclusively created by Crausaz.

Mr. Crausaz was a skilled manufacturer of fine chronometer balances and had experimented with non-magnetic alloys alongside Paillard. His expertise provided a natural fit to produce the palladium alloy balances for the non-magnetic watch movements.

According to Haswell, Crausaz was contracted to manufacture the non-magnetic balances for the company exclusively:

“An interesting visit was also paid to the balance-making factory of M. Crausaz, who has turned his attention now exclusively to making the patent balance. Here I saw the fusion, turning, drilling, and finishing of these balances, and by the best processes and newest implements.”James Haswell, March 1888 issue of The Horological Journal. 

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