Home / South Bend / People of Horology: The South Bend Watch Company Women, c.1915

People of Horology: The South Bend Watch Company Women, c.1915

Women Workers from the South Bend Watch Company, Downtown South Bend, Indiana, c.1915
Women Workers from the South Bend Watch Company, Downtown South Bend, Indiana, c.1915

Watch companies often employed women to work in the factories. Smaller fingers were ideal for fine work like dial painting and movement assembly. The environment offered in the watch factory was also more appealing than factory work presented in other industries. Despite unequal wages, positions at the watch factories provided an excellent opportunity for young women that wished to work outside the home. Some factories even managed social clubs for the women workers, organizing events and outings.

This original photo shows a group of women workers from the South Bend Watch Company. The exact circumstances of the scene are unknown, but it appears to be the preparation of a city parade through the streets of South Bend, Indiana, around 1915.

If you look closely to the left, an original Coca-Cola advertisement can be seen on the side of the building.


  1. Good evening, to whom it may concern.
    My name is Pierre Williams and I was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana in 1963 just six months before the Studebaker motor corporation closed its doors for good. I come from a Studebaker family; meaning that, my great grandfather (Cora Ash) was one of Studebakers longest working black employees; ( 52 years ) he worked from the companies early beginnings; he began his employment just as Studebaker had gotten their first government contract for 2000 wooden wagons for the first world war.
    My great grandfather came from a farming family that helped develop the underground railroad from North Carolina to Southwestern Michigan ( Calvin Center, Michigan) Cass County, Michigan. This was his first job ever ( outside of farming) he managed to raise a family, buy and pay off a five bedroom house that stayed in the family until 2014; the house was purchased in 1915( for 99 years) we called that house home.
    South Bend was a city that produced everything ( or close to it) I would like to know if you or if you would happen to know someone that would have a Studebaker watch that was made by the South Bend Watch Company? And if so, would you or they would be interested in selling it? Please contact me at pierrewilliams051@gmail.com
    Thank you for your time.
    Pierre Williams.

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