Home / Movements / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company: Part 10: The Patented Temperature Compensating Regulator Screw: Surviving Example

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company: Part 10: The Patented Temperature Compensating Regulator Screw: Surviving Example

Landis Watch Co. Movement (Grade 174) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User edi113]
Pictured: Landis Watch Co. Movement (Grade 174) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User edi113]

In 1910, the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Co. introduced the patented “Landis Automatic Regulator” on its “Landis Watch Co.” watches.

These movements can be identified by the unique regulator spring, differing from the standard “U” shaped regulator spring implemented on other Illinois movements during this period.

The only surviving example observed to date is from the last run of “Landis Watch Co.” movements, Grade 174 [2237901-2238300]. This run is also distinguished from other runs because the movements are simply marked “Landis Watch Co. – Chicago, U.S.A.” without the inclusion of a military-associated name.

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