Home / Advertising History / Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 40: Inserts From the c.1911 Burlington Catalog (Special Notice)

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 40: Inserts From the c.1911 Burlington Catalog (Special Notice)

“Special Notice” Insert Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Special Watch Delivery.
Pictured: “Special Notice” Insert Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Special Watch Delivery.

Similar to the sales catalog, when the Burlington Watch Company delivered a watch to a new customer, the package was enclosed with several inserts serving a variety of purposes.

The first was a “Special Notice,” ensuring the customer that if the watch was not in proper order when received, all fault was to be laid upon the transit company and not the Burlington Watch Company.

“This Watch has been thoroughly tested and left our establishment in perfect condition and if out of order when received the trouble lies with the Transportation Co. To save delay, notify us at once and we will see that the trouble is rectified immediately.”“Special Notice” Insert Enclosed within c.1911 Burlington Special Watch Delivery.

It is no surprise that the delicate watch could be damaged during transit. However, this insert also offers proactive damage control, instilling greater trust in new customers. No matter the issue, the Burlington Watch Company stood behind their product and would remedy any problem to keep the customer happy. This stellar reputation was critical to the success of the mail-order company. A few angry customers could attract enough doubt to derail their entire operation.

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