Home / Dials / Detailed Comparison of Two Elgin “Odd Fellows” Dials with Same Primary Design

Detailed Comparison of Two Elgin “Odd Fellows” Dials with Same Primary Design

Pictured: Closeup Details of Elgin National Watch Company “Odd Fellows - Initiator Degree to Patriarchs Militant” Society Dial No. 1130 vs. No. 1135, c.1890s.
Pictured: Closeup Details of Elgin National Watch Company “Odd Fellows – Initiator Degree to Patriarchs Militant” Society Dial No. 1130 vs. No. 1135, c.1890s.

The accompanying image offers a detailed comparison of two “Odd Fellows” dials that the Elgin National Watch Company introduced in August 1889.

While both dials exhibit the same primary design, the “No. 1130” dial (top) features Roman numerals with elegant gold embellishments while the “No. 1135” dial (bottom) features log-style numerals. Both dials were available in hard or glass enamel, colored or plain. The Odd Fellows dials were only furnished with sunk seconds, likely due to the arrangement of the “all seeing eye” symbology at the 12:00 position.

The detailed comparison showcases the variance in stroke and color that makes each dial unique.

Note: The the original seconds bit of the No. 1135 pictured in this post was replaced at some point in history.


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