“The Wells Dial” Featuring Four Time Zones

“The Wells Dial” – Elgin Watch Co. Grade 149 – 18-Size, Model 2, 21 Jewels, c.1900, Serial No. 8489005.
This unique dial exhibits one of the first attempts to indicate time for multiple time zones on a watch dial. Each of the primary time zones in the United States is represented in a dedicated ring: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific.
While the dial is signed “Patent Applied For,” indicating a possible patent for the design, no patent documentation has been found.
Identical dials have been seen on other 18-Size Elgin movements, but the origin of the dial remains a mystery, and even the identity of “Wells” is unknown.
I love this site, soo much to see & learn, well done. [C.B.Hunt]
Thanks, Chris! More to come as well.