Pictured: Seth Thomas “Montgomery Dial” with Continuous Marginal Minute Figures, Fitted on an 18-Size “Railway” Movement. As the five-minute marginal figures became popular on American watch dials in the 1890s,.
Hand-Colored “Dominion” Locomotive Dial, Winter Scene, Fitted on a Waltham 18-Size Crescent St. Movement. Shortly after the American watch factories perfected new procedures for efficiently marking dials with transfer techniques,.
In June 1886, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company established new requirements for dials, specifying that the figures 13 to 24 must accompany the conventional hour indicators, aligning with the newly-adopted.
Pictured: “The Wells Dial” c.1900 One particularly interesting design proposed in response to the standard time adopted by the railroad industry is “The Wells Dial.” This unique dial exhibits one.