Private Label
"New York" Movement by the New York Watch Company, c.1870 One challenge we frequently face when compiling information about the New York Watch Company production is the early 4,001-4,700 serial.
c.1902 "Sol" Watch Manufactured by Waltham and Sold by R.R. Fogel & Co. Movement #11686102 The 18-Size Model 1883 movement is prominently marked with a sunrise and the word "SOL".
"Paillard Non-Magnetic Watch Co - Chicago, U.S.A.” Marking on Illinois Watch Movement The Non-Magnetic Watch Company sold watches produced by a variety of watch manufacturers in the United States. Each.
Pictured: Landis Watch Co. “King Landis” (Grade 273) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User theorris] Even though the Landis Watch Company was incorporated in August 1909, production of the “Landis Watch.
Pictured: Measurement on a Standard Regulator Screw from 16-Size Illinois Model 4 (5.25mm) The patent application submitted by Arthur Bonnet in March 1910 for his automatic temperature compensating screw indicates.
Pictured: Landis Watch Co. Movement (Grade 174) [Image Courtesy of PWDB User edi113] In 1910, the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Co. introduced the patented “Landis Automatic Regulator” on its “Landis.