Railroad Watches

Pictured: Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company Advertisement, Locomotive Engineers’ Journal, August 1887 As soon as the Geneva Non-Magnetic Watch Company was able to introduce their new watches to the American market,.
Pictured: Babson Bros. Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois [Published in From Talking Machines to Milking Machines] The Burlington Watch Company introduced the “Burlington Special” watch in 1908 through a series of.
Pictured: Santa Fe Special Watch Endorsement by Santa Fe Railroad Engineer Edward Whitcomb, The Topeka Daily Capital, October 7, 1914 The validity of a “railroad grade” classification is frequently questioned.
Pictured: Introduction of the Santa Fe Special Watch published in The Topeka State Journal, November 5, 1913. On November 5, 1913, the Santa Fe Watch Company officially introduced their new.
Pictured: B.W. Raymond #180892 with Double-Sunk “Pennsylvania Railroad” Dial by the National Watch Company, c.1872. Around 1870, the National Watch Company began furnishing watches featuring custom-marked hand-painted dials for use.