
Pictured: Non-Magnetic Watch Company Advertisement, Western Electrician, January 26, 1889 As more testimonials for the Non-Magnetic Watch Company were submitted, the company featured several key endorsements in advertisements. One advertisement.
Pictured: Non-Magnetic Watch Company Grade No. 100 Extra, Especially Adjusted by Alexis Favre, 1888 Catalog Page Reproduced in the June 1989 Issue of the NAWCC Bulletin, “Non-Magnetic Watch Co. of.

Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: “Burlington Watch Co.” Part 15: Fully Adjusted
Pictured: Burlington Special “Fully Adjusted,” Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. Since the second-generation 16-Size “Burlington Special” was adjusted to temperature, isochronism, and positions, the Burlington Watch Company could correctly claim.
Pictured: Burlington Special Positional Adjustments, Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. The second-generation 16-Size “Burlington Special” (Grade 185) was described in catalogs and advertisements as “Adjusted to Positions.” From the summary.

Pictured: Burlington Special Movement Diagram Detailing Features, Burlington Watch Company Catalog, c.1911. The second-generation “Burlington Special,” based on the 16-Size Illinois Grade 185, was the first Burlington watch described as.
Pictured: Burlington Watch Company Grade 174 (Unadjusted) Movement Manufactured by the Illinois Watch Company, c.1908. The early 16-Size “Burlington Special” watches sold by the Burlington Watch Company were based on.