Around 1869, the National Watch Company (Elgin) faced the reality that the safety pinion used in its watch movements was inherently flawed. As a result, the company was forced to.
While Charles W. Fogg is generally credited with creating the first safety pinion in America, Merritt Burt actually secured a patent for his safety pinion design a few months before.
Cover of The Perfected American Watch by the American Waltham Watch Company (1904 Edition) The 1904 edition of The Perfected American Watch was originally distributed by the American Waltham Watch Company to.
This c.1868 illustrated catalog is the newest addition to the digital archive available on the Pocket Watch Database. The catalog features several impressive testimonials submitted by influential people in the.
Original Photograph of the Waltham Watch Factory on the Charles River, c.1890 This early photograph features the Waltham factory on the banks of the Charles River in Waltham, Massachusetts. When.
When I sat down to watch the 149th Kentucky Derby yesterday, I had no idea I would receive a small glimpse into the history of the American watch industry. The.