Today’s post is a fun photo to close out the study on Elgin’s 18-Size “Veritas Model,” featuring a large c.1910 Elgin Grade 240 and several 1911 T205 “Gold Border” baseball.
Sales of Elgin’s 18-Size “Veritas Model” began to suffer in the 1910s as the market trended toward smaller watches. When the model was officially retired, existing inventory was sold to.
One of the last grades introduced in the 18-Size “Veritas Model” (Model 8) product line was the Grade No. 412, featuring 21 Jewels in gold settings and adjusted to three.
By the mid-1910s, the Elgin National Watch Company had expanded the “Veritas Model” product line to feature ten distinct grades, ranging from 17 to 23 jewels. Named grades such as.
When the “Veritas Model” was being designed, it was decided that the dials would measure slightly smaller in diameter than the standard 18-Size dials the Elgin National Watch Company fitted.
The enormous success of the “Veritas Model” following its launch in 1901 prompted the Elgin National Watch Company to create a hunting version of the model. At the time, hunting.