
Pictured: Illustration Demonstrating the Magnetic Field of a Magnetized Watch, “Magnetism in Watches” by Charles K. Giles, Western Electrician, June 30, 1888 As non-magnetic watches and anti-magnetic shields gained popularity.
Pictured: An Anti-Magnetic Shield on an Elgin 18-Size Watch, c.1890s. In the March 1888 edition of the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Professor Edwin J. Houston published a comprehensive article.

Pictured: Portrait of Edwin James Houston. In the March 1888 edition of the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Professor Edwin J. Houston published a comprehensive article exploring several experiments conducted.
Pictured: Excerpt from “Paillard’s Non-Magnetic Compensating Balance and Hair-Spring for Watches” by Prof. Edwin J. Houston, Journal of the Franklin Institute, March 1888 In early 1888, the newly reorganized Non-Magnetic.