Private Label Trade Names on American Pocket Watches: The Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company: Part 9: The Patented Temperature Compensating Regulator Screw Advertisements

Several Months before the Lincoln Watch & Jewelry Company even secured the patent for the new temperature compensating regulator screw designed by Arthur Bonnet, the company promoted the invention in national magazines as an improvement to the Landis Watch Company product line.
The illustration included with the advertisements drew attention to the regulator screw and praised the “Landis Automatic Regulator” as “Marvelous” and “Wonderful.”
The new regulator screw was described further:
“At Last – The Perfect Watch. We have just secured the exclusive control of the Landis Automatic Regulator, the most remarkable piece of watch mechanism ever devised by man. No timepiece is perfect without it, regardless of what its makers claim. It is the only scientific device ever invented that absolutely and positively keeps the watch a perfect time keeper automatically under all conditions. And we have equipped all our famous Landis watches with this marvelous invention – this scientific wonder, which overcomes all the inaccuracies that effect other watches – making the Landis the only perfect watch in the world today.”
Landis Watch Co. Automatic Regulator Advertisement, The Circle, March 1910.