Pan-American pocket watches are Private Label pocket watches manufactured by the Seth Thomas Watch Company around 1898 that may have initially been intended as a commemorative for the Pan-American Exposition.
Before Fogg's patented safety pinion entered the public domain in 1882, new watch companies were compelled to prioritize the development of their own unique safety pinion design. When the Illinois.
Charles S. Moseley joined the National Watch Company in 1864 after being lured away from the American Watch Company in Waltham. Moseley exhibited a brilliant mechanical mind and was offered.
(A guest post by Jonathan Luysterborghs) This is the rewrite of his original article "Four Companions, a Traveler, and a Tourist: An Introduction to Seth Thomas Travel Timepieces." It provides.
While Charles W. Fogg is generally credited with creating the first safety pinion in America, Merritt Burt actually secured a patent for his safety pinion design a few months before.
Merritt Burt's Patent Safety Pinion (Center Wheel and Pinion from National Watch Company Movement) On September 13, 1864, Merritt Burt was granted the first patent for a safety pinion design.