Pocket Watches
The Elgin "Veritas Model" Cutaway Drawing, by William A. Gabriel Most collectors have admired this detailed cutaway drawing of the 23-Jewel Veritas at some point in time. It is almost.
Prior to his work as master model maker at the Elgin National Watch Company, Charles P. Corliss began learning his trade at a small jewelry store in his hometown in.

When the Rockford Watch Company commenced manufacturing in 1876, the prominent American watch companies such as Waltham and Elgin had already introduced innovative stem-wind movements. By the next year, Rockford had adapted their standard 18-Size key-wind movement and was advertising transitional movements in each grade...
If you have discovered small inscriptions inside your pocket watch case, you may be wondering if they have any meaning. The short answer is yes - they certainly do have.
The already well-established Seth Thomas Clock Company manufactured pocket watches from 1884 to 1915. The movements varied in quality, from low-end 7-Jewel watches to the prestigious 25-Jewel Maiden Lane. Existing.